"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" - Forrest Gump
I've been studying for my Pharmacy Exams and been REALLY REALLY REALLY (total understatement) STRESSED OUT. So, whenever I'm stressed, I like to do something crafty and today I was going to burst so I ran to the craft store and bought a few things and BAM - I decided to make a Ring Jewelry Box. I didn't film a DIY video or anything because it was strictly just a de-stresser, and my mind was a blurr but I thought I'd share the result because I actually really like how it came out. I mean I guess I'll take advantage of this to make a blog post ;)
Supplies I used:
9 Foam cut into 1" strips
Black old T-shirt
Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Box
2 Small brass hinges
Lace trimming
Glue gun
Old gift card of some sort
Exacto knife
Nail polish remover (WITH ACETONE)
STEP 1 - Removing the labels: Use Acetone base Nail polish remover and just SCRUB & SCRAPE. I noticed it working better if you let the nail polish remover sit on the area for a bit and then start scrubbing and scraping it off.
STEP 2 - Making of the Box: Using the top cover, pick a side that you want as the back. The red line in the above picture tells you where you have to cut. The diagram on the left shows the top view of the cover/lid. You see there are two layers bordering the cover when you look down at it. You are only going to cut the OUTSIDE border along the red line.
The picture on the right show if you were ground level with the lid and looking straight at at it from the side.
Be careful!!! it takes some time and patience to cut threw the plastic, and also don't press too hard or else you might have unwanted pieces cut & flying apart. I highly recommend putting some music on, because it does cause a screeching noise while you cut.
Your lid is then going to look like this:
The green line is where you cut already.
Put the lid on the box and glue on the hinges so it opens and closes
I think this part is pretty much common sense.
Just make sure you let the glue COMPLETELY dry before you start opening and closing or else you'll just have to re-glue the hinges OVER AND OVER again. Trust me I learned this the hard way.
STEP 3 - DETAILS: With the lace I just glued the trimming along the top of the lid to make it look more aesthetically pleasing.
STEP 4 - INSIDE CUSHION: The inside is a little more difficult to explain through pictures so here two videos from anneorshine on how to do the inside cushion part. I used the same technique as her first video for my storage box. I added an extra step of glueing some of the foam pieces down because some of mine kept popping out.
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