Her Reasoning: Retail pharmacy is a tough job. Actually any retail job is pretty hard - dealing with customers. I came about this book and laughed immediately. It's a sarcastic book about retail pharmacy written by a cynical pharmacist. I thought it was a great gift because I hear stories from the boy's workplace and some of the people he has to deal with. Also thought it would be a fun/stress relieving read for those really bad days.
His Response: Wasn't sure what to expect, especially since it was repackaged in an Amazon shipping box lol. Seeing the title immediately made me laugh. All the frustrations I feel at work were published in this very comedic book. (is comedic a word?)
His Reason: I was walking through the mall trying to find more gifts to get her but was coming up with nothing. I finally thought of going to Spencer's since they have a lot of random stuff and figured I'd find something. I made my way towards the back of the store after finding nothing in the front and saw the slippers hanging high on the wall and thought "this is it. GG."
Her Response: I was gonna faint because they were SO CUTE!! First it was the "My Little Pony" T-shirt and now SLIPPERS! I'm such a child at heart. But how can you resist??? Rainbow Dash on your feet?!?! YESSSS~~
-Project WXG
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